Dry Tortugas Trip
***The DXpedition has been postponed and tentatively rescheduled for December 2020***
July 21-24 some of the Ham Radio Adventures team will be heading to the Dry Tortugas for the club’s first DxPedetion.
Visit our QRZ page https://www.qrz.com/db/n4t
Grid Square – EL84np
IOTA – NA-079
POTA – K-0023
Light House – ARLHS USA-316
A short 3.5 hours from the Florida coast, this island is a definite pile-up maker when its activated! Currently the details are being planned out for the team to make the trip on the days above. We will be working multiple bands, and modes CW, SSB, FT8 Fox/Hound, and even Satellites!!
Some of the scenery of the island where the crew is heading:

As we get closer we will know the bands; also keep an eye out on the spots page for actual frequencies we will be operating on and live updates on our activation and hope to work you!